Julian Hinsch

New Haven, CT - jhinsch799@gmail.com - (609) 721-2326
julianhinsch.github.io / github.com/JulianHinsch

Seeking full-stack engineering role. Production level experience with RESTful APIs and all common front-end frameworks.


Basebuild: Software Engineer Mar 2023 - Present

5th engineering hire at a seed stage construction project management startup.

Lithic (Formerly known as Privacy.com): Software Engineer I & II Sep 2019 - Aug 2022

Worked on the Privacy product team (B2C), responsible for external/internal web clients, React Native mobile app, chrome extension, and Node APIs.

The Recurse Center: Recurser
May 2019 - Aug 2019

Attended 3-month programming retreat in Brooklyn, NY.

VSEEN: Developer & Lead Developer
Nov 2017 - Apr 2019

Contributed to a variety of client software projects in collaboration with creative staff at a growing marketing and design agency.

Technical Skills

Languages: Javascript, Python, HTML/CSS, C++
Frameworks: Vue, Angular, React, React Native, Redux, Express, Django
Databases: Mongo, Postgres, SQLite
Other: Webpack, Docker, Jenkins, Github Actions


New York University, College of Arts & Sciences
May 2017

Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Studies. Minor, Web Programming and Applications